Accepted to the Hopkins Biotech Mentorship Match Program, partnered with CASSS
Interviewed on the Anesthesia and Critical Care Reviews and Commentary podcast about psychedelics for chronic low back pain and depression
Began position as Senior Consultant at Dilts & Partners
Began postdoctoral research fellowship at the Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research
Graduated from the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health with a PhD in Epidemiology
Selected for the Pitt Health Sciences/UPMC science writing mentorship program
Awarded the Evelyn H. Wei Scholarship from the Department of Epidemiology
Published an article about graph theory measures and Alzheimer's Disease in The Gradient, a digital magazine covering trends in AI and ML
Interviewed about my research and volunteer work by the Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle
Joined the National Institute on Aging's Office of Clinical Research as a Scientific Program Manager [contractor position]
Admitted to PhD candidacy by the Department of Epidemiology
Won the Gerontological Society of America's Health Sciences Person in Training Award
Became chair of the CNBC Social Committee for 2021
Accepted to the Carnegie Mellon - University of Pittsburgh's Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition (CNBC) program as a graduate trainee
Participated in the Society for Epidemiologic Research's speed mentoring panel for masters-level epidemiologists
Received a travel scholarship for the Society for Epidemiologic Research 53rd annual meeting
Secured PhD funding through the Population Neuroscience of Aging and Alzheimer's Disease and Age-Related Dementia T32 training grant (PI: Dr. Caterina Rosano)
Invited presentation at the NIH Liver Fibrosis to Cancer Workshop on the NCI hepatitis/liver cancer data linkage
Joined the Surveillance Research Program at the National Cancer Institute
Presented an elevator pitch at the NIH Postbac Seminar Series
Quoted in MedTech Boston's coverage of the MGH/CAMTech Zika Innovation Hackathon
Interviewed about my experiences in the Hopkins MPH program by fellow student Quyên Võ Lê (video below)
Wrote an opinion piece for the Washington Post on the unaffordability of graduate school for many fields with high social impact
Profiled by the Brandeis chapter of the Her Campus online magazine
Interviewed by the Washington Post during my volunteer work with the local library